The Power of Iridology

Discover tissue weakness before a symptom appears

What is Iridology?

  • Iridology, often referred to as "eye analysis" or "iris diagnosis," is a holistic practice that explores the intricate connection between the iris of the eye and one's overall health. This discipline revolves around the idea that the eyes can serve as windows to the body's internal conditions, offering valuable insights into an individual's genetic predispositions, cellular health, and potential areas of concern.

    Every organ, tissue, and system in the body is interconnected through the autonomic nervous system, ultimately reflecting the state in the patterns and colours found in the iris. As certain tissues weaken or become congested due to factors like genetics, acidosis, or toxicity, these changes manifest as distinct markings in the iris fibres.

  • Iridology operates on the principle that the intricate patterns and colours in the iris of the eye can provide valuable insights into one's health. It postulates that every cell in the body communicates with the iris through the nervous system, reflecting its condition. My role as an Iridologist is to examine the iris carefully, identifying unique characteristics and changes in fiber patterns and colors. These variations correspond to specific organs, tissues, and bodily systems. By interpreting these patterns, we aim to assess your genetic predispositions, overall health, weaknesses, and areas of potential concern. This non-invasive practice is used to detect early signs of imbalance and support preventative healthcare measures.

  • Iridology was pioneered in the late nineteenth century by Ignatz von Peczely, a Hungarian doctor.

    There are signs that Iridology was independently developed in ancient Persia long before.

  • A study involving 800,000 patients found that iridology can be an effective form of diagnosis in as many as 85% of cases.

How To Book An Iridology Consultation:

  1. First step is to Book An Iridology Consultation.

  2. You will receive an email explaining how to take Iris shots.

  3. You send the Iris shots to me by email or on the Telegram app.

  4. Allow up to 7 days for the iridology-analysis to be completed.

  5. You will receive an invitation to pick a time for our 1:1 audio call on the Telegram app.

  6. We will go over your Iridology analysis results and talk about your unique path to Wellville. There will be time for all your questions to be answered.

  7. You will receive a customised 10 Week Herbal Plan based on our conversation / iris-analysis.

Please note that I put emphasis on a personal conversation. I have noticed that people benefit a lot from a longer conversation where we can talk openly and freely, about not only the results, but also how to interpret them. Like this we eliminate misunderstandings. We will also have enough time to discuss how health issues can be solved. We always take into account your current personal life situation and needs.


  • “I must admit I was skeptical, but iridology is so accurate ! Lex knew exactly where my weaknesses were and what I am going through. He knows his craft, is clear, and compassionate, which feels super supportive. I highly recommend working with him”!


  • "I have ordered an Iris analysis and was very happy with the outcome and also with the almost one hour talk we've had about it. The analysis was striking in two points he could certainly not know about me."

    Philippe, Switzerland

Exploring Iridology The Art of Eye Health Analysis

Iridology Analysis
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