Detoxification is a natural biological process.

The body is expelling toxins on an ongoing basis. A healthy body releases toxins all the time over all elimination channels, mouth, nose, lymphatic system > kidneys > urinary tract, intestine, and the skin. We are constantly exposed to toxins in, air, hygiene products, harmaceuticals and above all the food we eat: Most work we cause for the body through food which is not suitable for human consumption namely from animal source and all industrial produce but also excess proteins are a problem. Mothers' milk contains about 2% protein and this is the phase where the body needs to grow the fastest, therefore it is highly questionable that we need anytime later a higher protein content, especially for adults.

The load of toxins can’t be released by most people naturally, especially if the kidneys are not able to do their work and filter out toxins which then should be eliminated through urination.
The lymphatic system tends to be clogged in most people also the arteries and veins get congested in the process. Simply changing to a “healthy” diet isn’t sufficient for most nowadays.

Sharing 98,7% genetic material of Bonobonos and Chimpanzees, we could conclude that we might also have the same diet. Fruits and tender green leaves make over 90% of their diet. When humans switch to such a diet the body starts sometimes immediately to detoxify.
Something we perceive as “being sick” but exactly this mechanism is detoxification. The body raises the temperature and expels unwanted substances over sometimes all the elimination channels that can feel very uncomfortable at times.

The intensity (speed) of Detoxification can be managed: An all water-fast brings the quickest results but it can be also the most demanding on many levels. More easy is an all fruits diet or an added salad for dinner.

An Shorter Detox Plan or the “Detoxweek” is a good entry into Detoxification but ultimately to get all the work done it there is more work needed but it is totally worth it.

I can help you with guidance into detoxification according to your current situation and life circumstances.


What is detoxification - in the words of the grand Masters


Detoxification is often neglected, overlooked or underestimated in the healing arts, despite the fact that all health professionals realize that a sick body is a toxic body. Toxic acids are normal products of cell catabolism, and we also assimilate varying amounts of toxic material from the air we breathe, the food we eat and other environmental sources.

When these can be eliminated from the body, there is no problem. But when toxins are being assimilated or created in the body faster than they can be gotten rid of, or when one or more of the eliminative systems are underactive, trouble lies ahead. I am convinced that toxic accumulations in the body create the necessary preconditions for disease to develop.

-- Dr. Bernard Jensen

What is Detoxification?

“The process of cleansing and alkalizing the body. The removing of obstructions (e.g., acids, mucus, parasites, chemicals, minerals, metals, thoughts and emotions) that block energy and the proper function of cells and the individual. A necessary requirement in returning to vibrant health.”

-- Dr. Robert Morse